Exercise me
Finally we have had two weeks without any of the kids being sick, I was the only one with a little bit of a cold but it's gone now. Finally!!! So last week I managed to go to the gym tuesday-saturday-sunday. It feels really good to be back at it again. Saturday I went to a training session in a group, it's the toughest session in our gym I think, anyways the instructor is so good. But training that hard when I'm not in shape gave me the worst muscle fever. Even though I have lost a few kilos it still feels like such a long way to go before I reach my goal. After the twins I had 5 kilos extra but after Freja it was kaos and then when we started investigating for a diagnosis it just got worse and worse - so now I have made it difficult for myself and I have to loose 20 kilos! Aahhrggg... Well I am on my way now so I just need to keep my focus! I'm really looking forward to better regulated diabetes, better fitting clothes and just feeling better overall. Th...