Eye screening
It's that time of year for me and my diabetes - time for eye screening.
Well I have done this a few times during my 15 years with diabetes, it's just a part of living with diabetes. First you get pupil dilating eye drops (they sting), then you have to wait for 30 minutes and then they take photos of the bottom of your eyes in a very dark room.
The procedure will show any changes, like small bleedings, in your eyes that are diabetes related. I do have some small bleedings, first showed after my youngest was born in 2015. When you've had diabetes for more than 10 years these kind of changes are common.
Because your pupils are dilated your eyes get really sensitive to the light and they can't really focus so you often get blurry eyesight. I had my sunglasses on for at least 3 hours after - even inside when I got back to work. It worked out really good yesterday actually.
I walked there (just a few houses away), got the eye drops, ate my lunch while waiting and then got the fotographies taken and could walk back in under 45 minutes. That has never happened. They are usually behind schedule - but yesterday everything just came along nicely.
Luckily my eyesight was back to normal when I got home cause I had the car at the trainstation and needed to drive it to pick up Freja from day care. It's nice when it just works out smoothly.
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