
A play on numbers

So just to follow-up on my previous post, I did walk 1 658 932 steps before 1st September. Yaaay... I can see that a lot of new collaborative research projects are coming up. And of course there is a large comorbidity with Covid-19/Corona virus and other underlying diseases, like my diabetes. What I actually was thinking about is how different countries report on cause of death. If a person with diabetes dies with Corona virus present - is this reported as death by Corona virus or by diabetes? This play on numbers is a hugh reason to why some countries now seem to have no deaths at all from the present pandemic. Sweden has one of the highest death rates per capita but we are also almost the only country that has remained open and almost functioning as usual although many are working from home. So maybe we won’t get a second wave or at least not as big as other countries will cause we’ve had a steady stream of sickness progression from the virus with everyone still moving around and not...

1 million steps until September 1st

 I joined this challenge on Facebook from an assistans company near us called ”God assistans” (god means great). It started on June 1st and the goal was to walk 1 million steps until September 1st, approximately 13’000 steps per day. Well it’s not deadline yet and I’ve already walked more than 1,5 million steps. It came easy actually. When I’m at work I often walk 14’000 steps from leaving the house and until I get back. When I’m working from home I try to walk in the morning before work starts and on my lunch break, then I often go for a walk in the evening. It’s been good for my diabetes and for my overall mental health. In these times you need to do what you can to keep your mood high. I don’t have mental illness but I had a period of depression, anxiety and being burnt out due to everything that happened around our youngest daughters diagnosis. Whats happening now, due to Corona/Covid-19, effects everyone I believe. I can’t really hug my parents and not really visit anyone I wa...

Black Lives Matter

So... on a totally different point: Black Lives Matter. It’s not about white Lives doesn’t matter, it’s about black Lives are supposed to matter just as much. It’s about equality. But mostly it’s about us all being just one race; Human beings. I mean - we are all one. White lions and yellow lions are the same race just different shades and that shouldn’t matter. Everyones life should matter. We only have this one life and this one world and don’t we want it to be the best that it can be? And you can think or say what you want about the violent protests but you have to understand that they come from an eternity of repression, an eternity of segregation, an eternity of discrimination, an eternity of being treated as second class citizens. Change needs to happen. Change is needed now. Let’s be the change.

Strategy against Corona, Covid-19

So Sweden has a very different strategy in the fight against the Corona or Covid-19 virus. We are all still very free moving around. There are restrictions like no more then 50 people at a venue, our higher education has lectures via web, fewer trains and busses, people are expected to stay home and work from home if possible. Also if you experience any symtoms of a cold or anything really you are expected to stay home, you need to be 100%. Every day at 14 the Public Health Authority has a press conference where they present the latest numbers and updates. Daycare and lower education is still open, because these young children can’t be expected to conduct their own education via web and if the parents are expected to work from home then they can’t educate the children. For now the strategy seems to be working. Because I have diabetes I was really worried and actually wanted them to shut down the whole country - but the days I need to be at work there is only people on ever...

Peter Jihde är den sjukaste diabetikern jag vet

Nu är det snart dags för diabetesgalan igen - tycker att det är väldigt bra att den finns och att man kan sprida kunskap för jag visste själv inte symtomen på diabetes innan jag fick det. Dessutom är symtomen diffusa som man dricker mycket och kissar mycket, metallsmak i munnen, viktnedgång. Diabetesgalan är det bästa Peter Jihde har gjort! Det sämsta med diabetesgalan är faktiskt också Peter Jihde. Inte för att han egentligen är en dålig programledare eller en dålig diabetiker utan det handlar om hur han framställer diabetes. JA diabetes kan vara farligt och som diabetiker kalkylerar man allt man äter och dricker - men så kan det vara med sjukdomar, inte bara diabetes. Peter Jihde framställer det dock som att han är på livets kant hela tiden, i hans IG ”varje spruta varje dag” drar han ner brallorna för att ta sprutorna i låret samtidigt som han ser ut att lida fantastiskt mycket och så har vi ”reklamen” där han berättar att varje dag dör 5 personer i Sverige till följd av di...

Pitt-Hopkins Awareness Day Sep 18th

So this year PTHS Awareness day came and Went and we didn't even notice. Our life is hectic and our days filled and sometimes the stuff surrounding you just passes you by way too quickly. Some days are just about survival, you haven't slept enough, kids are fighting and crying, you need to make dinner, the kids have football (yes everywhere in the World it's called football exept for the US, so let's call it what it's really called) practice… and so on and so on. I have also undertaken a couple of courses at a University that I really want to finish. I like having my degree and being able to take almost whatever courses I want - learning for life. For spring I'm hoping to start my Masters paper. I have already done most of the courses needed for this undertaking and now I'm hoping to find the time to finally do the actual paper. I work at a research department and I'm planning to use the data from our research Project. Exiting things ahe...

Our day

As I said before we are very lucky and this year we actually got married, after 10 years as a couple. We`ve had a hard couple of years... We had our beautiful twin girls, which was a lot of hard work, and just wanted a normal pregnancy and birth, and a healthy child. Freja is a very happy child, most of the time, and we do fel lucky for that - she is content. But there is a lot of hard work, all the time. We can tell her ”no” but she gets angry with us for not letting her do whatever she wants. And there is a lot of stuff surrounding her whole care, she is just a baby in a 4-year-olds body, and that is a lot to deal with. There is so much love as well. This year she has learnt how to kiss and hug us and it’s the best thing ever. She shows very clearly what she likes and doesn’t like, but she doesn’t talk. She starten saying ”mamma” last summer but it didn’t last and it hasn’t returned, I wonder if it ever will. She does make a lot of sounds but nothing that sounds like wor...